Temalunch 26/5 – Fatty liver disease

Temalunch fredagen 26 Maj kl 12.00-13.00 med ämnet Fatty liver disease.


 Föreläsare är Prof. Lise Lotte Gluud.


 Vi bjuder på lunch och eventet är kostnadsfritt.

Plats: Våra lokaler i World Trade Center, Skeppsgatan 19 Malmö

OBS! Förhandsanmälan på mail till info@humangardening.se

Antalet platser är begränsat.


Varmt välkomna!

Nordic NASH Symposium

Presentation av föreläsare:

Prof. Lise Lotte Gluud is a consultant Gastroenterologist and Professor of gastroenterology and hepatology, a member of the steering committee at Centre for Liver Disease in Copenhagen (CLIC) and the Centre for Obesity at Amager and Hvidovre Hospital. Her main research areas include lifestyle associated liver diseases focusing on non-alcoholic steatohepatitis as well as cirrhosis-related complications and clinical as well as pathophysiological studies with 162 Medline Indexed publications and a H index of 66. Other interest areas include inflammatory and metabolic complications associated with pancreatitis. She has Qualifications include: Specially Appointed Named Person at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Member of the National Committee on Health Research Ethics; Chairman of the National Clinical Guideline for the Management of patients with NAFLD; Chairman of the Danish Association of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (DSGH) Research Committee; Plos ONE Section Editor; and Editor Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group. 


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